Compare MP3 vs WAV
Can you tell the difference between mp3 and wav files? Below you will see several different samples. Each contains an original uncompressed wav, a 128kbit mp3, and a 384kbit mp3 file. Play each with headphones or on your best sound system and then click "show" to reveal which is which. See if you can tell the difference.
Note: samples are randomized each time the page is refreshed so you can take the test multiple times.
Compare modern track with solid midrange but no real highs.
Def Leppard
Classic Def Leppard good mids and highs.
The Eagles
Hotel California should be recognized by all as having strong midrange and tight kick drum.
This epica ballad has very clean sound and good lows and highs.
Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd has very good recording quality.
Rush Chemicals has great mids and drums but also bass extends to 20hz and has decent treble.